The American Studies Program and the Department of History present:
Image courtesy of Special Collections, University of Miami Libraries
9:00-10:00 AM Breakfast / registration 10 AM-12:30 PM Panel 1: Empire 12:30-2:00 PM Lunch 2:00-4:00 PM Library tour/presentations: Cuban Heritage Collection and Special Collections, Richter Library 4:30-6:00 PM Keynote address: Vincent Brown (Duke), "Cartographies of Atlantic Worlds: What Are We Mapping?" Reception 9:00-10:00 AM Breakfast 10:00 AM-12:00N Seminar with Vincent Brown, "How Do We Map Atlantic Slavery?" 12:00N-1:30 PM Lunch 2:00-4:30 PM Panel 2: Networks 8:00 PM Dinner: Aromas del Peru, Coral Gables 8:30-9:30 AM Breakfast 9:30 AM-11:30AM Panel 3: Displacements 11:30AM-12:30 PM Lunch 12:30-3:00 PM Panel 4: Borders 9:00-10:00 AM Breakfast 10:00 AM-12:30 PM Panel 5: Oceans 12:30-1:30 PM Lunch 2:00-4:00 PM Panel 6: Performances 4:30-5:30 PM Reception and closing remarksMAY 14-17, 2012
CHC conference room
CHC conference room
Aaron Alejandro Olivas (UCLA), “The French Compagnie Royale de Guinée and Loyalty to Philip V in Spanish America during the War of the Spanish Succession”
Laurie Wood (UT Austin), “Courtrooms in Colonies: The Legal Geography of France’s First Overseas Empire, 1680-1780”
Commentators: Kristen Block (FAU) and Bianca Premo (FIU)
Memorial 125D
CAS/Wesley Gallery
6:00-7:00 PM
CAS/Wesley Gallery breezewayTUESDAY MAY 15
CHC conference room
CHC conference room
Johanna Drucker, "Humanistic Approaches to the Graphical Expression of Interpretation," 20 May 2010, View the MIT Video
David Eltis and David Richardson, Introduction, The Atlas of the Transatlantic Slave Trade (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2010), pp. 1-19
Daniel Hopkins, Philip Morgan, and Justin Roberts, "The Application of GIS to the Reconstruction of the Slave-Plantation Economy of St. Croix, Danish West Indies," Historical Geography, Special Issue: Geographies of Slavery, Volume 39 (2011): 85-104
Vincent Brown, "Gardens of Remembrance," Chapter 7 of The Reaper's Garden: Death and Power in the World of Atlantic Slavery (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2008)
Memorial 125D
Richter 3rd floor conference room
Marina Bilbija (UPenn), “Mapping Caste, Dreaming Brotherhood: British Anti-Racist Networks in the 1890s”
Pablo Palomino (UC Berkeley), “The First Modern Musical Cartography of the Americas: the Boletín Latino Americano de Música (1935-1946)”
Lara Stein Pardo (Michigan), “Terrains of Contemporary Caribbean Art in Miami, Florida”
Commentators: Raphael Dalleo (FAU) and Tim Watson (Miami)WEDNESDAY MAY 16
CHC conference room
Richter 3rd floor conference room
Jane Seiter (Oxford Tree-Ring Laboratory),“‘Within These Despicable Walls’: French Caribbean Prisoners of War in England from 1793 to 1801”
Noel Smyth (UC Santa Cruz), “The Natchez of Louisiana in the Caribbean,
Commentators: Jason Pearl (FIU) and Ashli White (Miami)
Memorial 125D
CHC conference room
Matthew Casey (Pittsburgh), “Haitian Migrants, Religious Communities, and Repression in Rural Cuba”
Roberto Chauca (Florida), “Jesuit Missionaries, Spanish Officials, and their Contrasting Visions of Quito and Amazonia by the 1760s”
Yuko Miki (Washington U), “Nobody’s Land: Indigenous and Black Slavery in the Conquest of Postcolonial Brazil”
Commentators: Tracy Devine Guzmán (Miami) and Kate Ramsey (Miami)THURSDAY MAY 17
CHC conference room
CHC conference room
Anyaa Anim-Addo (National Maritime Museum, London), “‘Some of the Same Places Are Visited Again and Again’: The Royal Mail Steam Packet Company and the Geographies of Caribbean Tourism, 1880-1914”
Matthew Bahar (Oklahoma), “‘Indian Pirets,’ ‘Savage Mariners,’ and ‘Piratical Sea Rovers’: Maritime Theft and Violence in the Wabanaki Atlantic”
John Dixon (Harvard), “‘From Sea Towards Cadiz,’ and other Voyages of William Almy, 1776-1780”
Commentators: John Funchion (Miami) and Kunal Parker (Miami)
Memorial 125D
Richter 3rd floor conference room
Kahlil Chaar-Pérez (NYU), “Spectacles of Crisis: Colonialism, Race, and Late-Nineteenth-Century Cuban and Puerto Rican Bufo Theatre”
Miles Grier (Duke), “Williamsburg Playhouse, 1752: Atlantic Crossroads”
Commentator: Jenna Gibbs (FIU) and Lillian Manzor (Miami)
Location TBD